
Nasi Lemak 1.0

Chef Huang is on a quest and embarks on a journey to discover the best nasi lemak recipe. He finds himself in the ultimate kitchen battle against his competitors Gong Xining and Lan Ciao but inadvertently goes 600 years back in time to the days of the Melaka Sultanate.

Language: Malay
Subtitle: NA
Classification: 18
Release Date: 27 Jan 2022
Genre: Comedy / Fantasy
Running Time: 1 Hour 51 Minutes
Distributor: MIG Beats Sdn Bhd
CastNameweeAC MizalSaiful Apek, Delimawati, Wak Doyok, Karen Wong, Yassin, David Arumugam, Yumi Wong SK
Format: 2D

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